Jackson Tops PopScores Chart? – MiniBullet #45

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June 13 2007 – Michael Jackson tops the PopScores chart for the highest percentage of people who would buy his new material. However, the information is being reported by the The Sun, a UK tabloid that has already had to apologize for running a false story about Jackson getting paid $10 million to attend the birthday party of Prince Azim (the son of the Sultan of Brunei).

A link to the article from The Sun is found on the Entertainment Media Research website, though. According to the gossip, 82% of his fans would buy his new material, which was the highest score for any of the artists.

PopScores is said to be used by the recording industry to "discover the nation's feelings towards different artists".

Whether or not the information is being used as sarcasm by The Sun, or to give them something Jackson-related to talk about, it is true that damn near all of Jackson's fans have been anxiously awaiting any new material from the King and Pop.

Jackson's spokesperson Raymone Bain has previously confirmed the singer is working on new material scheduled to be out before the end of the year.

PopScores is "a monthly quantitative measurement of the emotional connection between 300 established and up-and-coming artists" according to consumers from ages 13-59 years old.

Let's see if the chucklehead Dan Abrams or anybody else picks up this story from the same tabloid from which they were so quick to grab the false party-payment story.





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