DMC’s ThrillerCast Remembers Thriller from Rap Perspective

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If you look to the right, you’ll notice underneath ThrillerCast, another episode has been posted!

For this episode, legendary rap icon DMC talks about being inspired by Thriller.  He says people may have expected Jackson’s music to be stuck in an adolescence phase. "His presentation was on a whole other level. At the same time, he came back in a way people kinda didn’t expect," {tag DMC} says in his {tag ThrillerCast}.

He says when he first heard Jackson’s Thriller album, his favorite track was Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’. On Thriller25, {tag Akon} remade the hot song.

"It was catchy. It was sing-song-y but it had that adolescent rap energy that I was driving on at the time," the rapper says of the infectious Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’.

At one point DMC says, with no ill-intentions, Jackson was "another obstacle to our success." One of their famous rap verses mentions Jackson by name because, DMC says, Jackson was "so, so good at what he was doing, we had to address him personally."

He remembers that RunDMC knew they had to up their game after seeing the success of Jackson’s landmark album.

Listen to his entire ThrillerCast now. —>


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