Michael Jackson mjlife_210

Michael Jackson: A Devastating Loss for the World

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Michael Jackson mjlife_210
Mchael Jackson is more than an idol. He is the most influential artist of the 20th and 21st centuries. You can hear his voice in the music of almost every artist blasting from your radio; certainly every R&B superstar of today.

That artist has left us all today, June 25 2009 for a better place.

The media chose today to remember what a force in the music industry he is and what his gift meant to millions around the world.

This same media, mind you, generally treated him like a piece of $hit; a piece of garbage whose life was up for dissection and who sought the ruination of his legacy.

We have spent years watching his life being picked apart by some of the very same people who are now covering his passing, while hoping he could punch through the noise and continue to create.

{audio autostart}http://www.mjeol.com/mirageofblaze.mp3{/audio} Like so many other fans, I am inconsolable. I was also enraged at having to watch some of the media coverage today (in certain pockets of coverage) as old, dry, dusty-a$s banshees made their way to air on certain cable networks like MSNBC.

Not even 24 hours after his death, almost the same collection of irresponsible (Brian Oxman), sour (Maureen Orth), sorry and shameless backbiters (Diane Dimond) took it upon themselves to slander him in death as they so often did in life.

Through all of the sadness, the anger, the disbelief, and the hope that he could somehow fight his way through this latest challenge, I am a thousand times more sorrowful as I would otherwise be if he had lived to see his name cleared completely. 

Because he did not get to see complete vindication in his short lifetime, the general shock has fomented to an odd mixture of indescribable disconsolateness and fury.

His steely resolve will continue to be an inspiration for all of those who respected not only his artistry but who also honored his resilience as a man.  His innocence, only matched by talent, was a wonderful thing to see.

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After hours of wishing, praying and hoping his life wouldn’t end like this, the realization of a profound change in the lives of millions of people is starting to set in.

For the rest of our lifetimes, we all will have to figure out a way to find contentment with the sweet spirit of a man who shook up the world and changed it in ways which will only become more obvious as the days… months… years go by.

I can only hope he had some idea how much we loved him.

*Jackson music sales soaring online. 12 of top 20 Songs, and 7 of the top 10 Albums on Amazon’s MP3 store are Michael Jackson songs:


*House of Representatives give a moment of silence in honor of Michael Jackson


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