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Geragos: Saw no Evidence of Jackson Med Abuse – MiniB#73

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Attorney Mark Geragos who represented Michael Jackson for about 18 months after Jackson was falsely accused of molestation in 2003 told CNN’s Larry King he saw no evidence of prescription pill abuse.

Geragos appeared on Larry King Live July 10 calling Jackson “always engaged in his defense.”

“I didn’t see any evidence of what’s almost become I think a way a caricature of who he was,” Geragos said.

Geragos called a lot of the Jackson banter “speculation” saying, “I think a lot of it is speculation and I’m not so sure that a lot of the people who are out there saying certain things are actually telling the truth as they know it.”

The attorney is pinpointing the problem with covering almost anything Michael Jackson-related because “leaks” from unnamed “sources” who give unverified, unconfirmed, unsubstantiated and/or totally unfounded stories make their way into the public consciousness.


In addition, the reconditioning of old rumors by alleged Jackson “friends” — some of whom haven’t so much as talked to Jackson in years — add to the problem.

“The only people who I think would know are people who were in his inner circle within the last 6 months to a year. As we know, not a whole lot of them are talking,” Geragos told King.

This could have been a direct jab at some of the irresponsible reporting done by CNN and other news agencies about allegations made of med use from 2004.

Nothing Jackson ingested in 2004 would have taken his life on June 25 2009, some five years later. It adds nothing to the narrative other than to continue to fuel a story that has been losing steam since Jackson’s memorial.

“I did not see any evidence of disabling drug addiction or anything else,
” said Geragos.

His words echo a number of others like Kenny Ortega and Dorian Holley who were working with Jackson up until the morning of the day he died. Other members working with and for Jackson of the This Is It tour saw now signs whatsoever of drug dependence or frailty.

Jackson’s former attorney who represented him in 2005, Thomas Mesereau, also confirms the view that he saw nothing amiss with Jackson’s behavior or mental capacity, or ability to participate in his own defense.

Even a woman who was suing Jackson for millions of dollars up until the day he died, Raymone Bain, told Access Hollywood she never saw any evidence of prescription drug abuse (see <a href=>AH: Raymone Bain Saw Nothing Amiss with Jackson</a>).

Jackson took and passed a 5 hour comprehensive health examination just weeks before his death in order to get insurance to perform the This Is It concert shows in London.

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