Lucky Fan Meets Michael J!

Brittany Oliver of Lafayette meets Michael Jackson. Here’s a snip of the article: [quote][img align=left][/img]While most of her classmates and

Brian Oxman, Jackson family attorny, was on GMA -MJEOL Bullet #1

Brian Oxman, Jackson family attorney, was on Good Morning American this morning speaking about the issue of the misinformation propaganda from Michael’s former hack manager, M H Lee. Lee is currently suing Michael for $12M and has authorized his lawyer to put out a press release claiming that Mike is on the verge of bankruptcy. In a desperate and failed attempt to publicly embarrass Mr. Jackson, however, they overlook a very important question that many Michael Jackson fans have been asking since they first got wind of this lawsuit: Why in the world is he suing Michael for millions of dollars if Mike is, according to them, on the verge of bankruptcy? Here’s an excerpt from a rough transcript of the GMA segment (via MJJF): [quote]Charles GIBSON: Brian Oxman let me turn to you, and let me deal first with this case just of Union Finance, the firm who is suing Michael Jackson and contends that he had signed agreements and owe them $12 million and has not paid it. And because he has not paid it, could that be an indication that there are some financial problems? Brian OXMAN: I have been with this family for going on a decade and a half. And what I have seen during that time period is that Michael is one of the most generous, one of them most magnificent individuals I have ever seen. When people perform services for him, my observation is he doubles and he triples what he pays to them, but when they don’t perform these services and they fail, he doesn’t want to pay them a dime, and I don’t blame him, and that’s what I see here and I can only tell you that Michael will not pay for services he doesn’t get… I am disturbed about this plaintiff who has to take this case to the public, apparently that’s an indication to me, that they’re in trouble in this case. I won’t comment on the evidence, but I will tell you about Michael and Michael is Rocky in the 6th round, he only gets stronger when he is being attacked… [/quote] The fact that Lee is now trying to publicly… >> Click ‘Read More’ for FULL story

MJ Shopping in Indiana Mall

Here’s the latest: [quote]Jackson was seen shopping in the Circle Center Mall, RTV6’s Ericka Flye reported. [img align=”left”][/img] The singer