San Diego Union Tribune Inquiry launched into CHP officers’ claims Pair said they felt pressure to lie on the witness
Police, Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct
Police, Prosecutorial and Judicial Misconduct “There is no crueler tyranny than that which is exercised under cover of law, and
Jackson: I’ll be cleared – Accuser’s mother never saw anything (1993)
[b]Variety Jackson: I’ll be cleared[/b] Adam Sandler (2) Aug 25, 1993 Michael Jackson said he is confident the Los Angeles

Was MJ Framed? The Untold Story – GQ Magazine 1994
Was Michael Jackson Framed? The Untold Story Mary A. Fischer GQ, October 1994 Did Michael Do It? The untold story
Prosecutorial Misconduct History Could Affect ‘Case’? – MJEOL Bullet #234
Prosecutorial Misconduct History Could Affect Case? MJEOL Bullet #234 The Jackson case isnt the first one where this DAs office has been accused of prosecutorial misconduct. And further information may be made public about past settlements, not with Jackson, but with this DAs office and Santa Barbara sheriffs department In the face of prosecutors and prosecution-sympathizers trying desperately to convict Michael Jackson in the court of public opinion, there seems to be a developing story surrounding the current Santa Barbara district attorneys propensity to level criminal charges and allegations against people who, some say, are in the way of a case hes attempting to prosecute. Renewed speculation of Jackson attorney Mark Geragos being called to testify at a possible trial is running rampant. Some observers have joked that if prosecutors are expecting Geragos to testify against Jackson, that they either must be on something or should have a doctor prescribe something. Prosecutors seem to be seeking to level conspiracy charges against everyone who was present to witness the accusing familys manipulative and threatening behavior during the prosecutions timeline in an attempt to keep them from testifying against the accusing family. If thats now going to include Geragos, then they really must be on something. But theres an undercurrent of information that is bubbling up to the surface. The DAs office apparently has a history of ruining the reputations, practices, and lives of attorneys and others, who they deem as preventing them from pursuing a case, say some researchers. For example, months ago prosecution sympathizer and tabloid reporter Diane Dimond made claims on Court TVs Crier Live that her sources say prosecutors are inclined towards bringing attorney Mark Geragos into this conspiracy charge against Jackson. Now the story has changed to Geragos possibly testifying. Some may not know what to make of this Geragos rumor. For all the public knows, it could be the ramblings of a desperate wanna-be-insider using a lazy and biased tabloid reporter to further their lies. Or there could be some semblance of truth to it.
Neverland is for kids – Response to Steve Corbett article
[b] Neverland is for kids[/b] Steve Corbett has done it again, convicted a person without a trial. This time, it’s
Investigation Clears Jackson as Accusers Story Changes – MB #233
Investigation Clears Jackson as Accusers Story Changes MJEOL Bullet #233 A look back at what the accusing family was doing at the time they now claim to have been held hostage at Neverland In MJEOL Bullet #232, some of the latest information around the Michael Jackson case was highlighted. The case is ripe with inconsistencies from the accusing family, and some highly damaging material that may make this case non-existent before too long. Aside from the huffing and puffing from current DA Tom Sneddon, the prosecutions case may be shored up by rank speculation from the likes of defeated and fired ex-employees. But the questions permeating this case wont go away by simply speculating or thinking up another lie to cover-up the original one. For those who have been living under a rock, Jackson is accused of first conspiring against a family, then kidnapping them, then allegedly molesting the accuser, and then conspiring some more. Hes also accused of plying the recovering cancer patient (possibly on medication) with wine and at some point showing the allegedly passed-out teenager heterosexual porn. Yeah sure. Uh huh. That makes sense. The new conspiracy charge originated to cover-up the fact that they had already exonerated Jackson numerous times during the time when they now claim they were abducted/kidnapped/molested. Remember, Jackson wasnt originally charged with conspiring nor was there even talk of prosecution-alleged co-conspirators. None of these alleged co-conspirators have been arrested, indicted or charged as of this writing, by the way. Through court docs and published reports, the public has become aware of a number of things wrong with the prosecutions set of events. This may be why there is renewed interest in the prosecution wanting to fall back on the speculation from the 1993 investigation.
Judge Hell-Bent on Jan 31 Date, Pros. Breaking Court orders – MB #232 UPDATE
Judge Hell-Bent on Jan 31 Date, Pros. Breaking Court orders MJEOL Bullet #232 UPDATE Stinging new court docs released show prosecutors still up to their old tricks while the judge looks the other way While Court TV tries to publicly hang Michael Jackson with lies and speculation before he even steps foot inside a courtroom for a possible trialdoing a hatchet job with reporting the facts in the case today (Dec 22 2004)–its important to note that there have been some incredibly damning court documents (docs) and other evidence that has made its way to the public about the accusing family. The disgusting guilty until proven guilty attitude held by Court TV anchors cant change the fact that this case is full of incredulous allegations which make no sense given the prosecutions own set of so-called events; not to mention holes in their story the size of the Pacific Ocean. During the December 20 2004 hearing, the public learned that some 70 names on the prosecutions defective witness list are identical to names on the defenses witness list. This slashes the speculation from hack-reporters who want to claim that everyone subpoenaed by prosecutors are going to testify against Jackson. In a decision that some case observers are openly calling odd, surprising, and ridiculous, the current judge in the Michael Jackson case has refused to delay the trial date from January 31 2005. Melville recently signed search warrants on Nov 24 2004, which prosecutors didnt execute until Dec 3 2004; over a year after raiding Neverland on November 18 2003. Despite those last minute searchestantamount to invasion of privacy, say the defensethe judge has refused altogether to delay the trial in any way. Most legal analysts had previously said that the defenses request to delay the trial would be granted because of the prosecutions last minute scrambling. This can be viewed two ways: Either prosecutors got what they wanted or the judge has essentially called their bluff in face of their declarations of being ready to go forward. But the questions being raised now are whether or not this judge is hell-bent on taking this case to trial regardless of the current circumstances around it.
Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder Sues Prosecutors – Efren Cruz
VENTURA COUNTY [b]Man Wrongly Convicted of Murder Sues Prosecutors [/b] Law: Efren Cruz of Oxnard seeks $120 million. He served
Efren Cruz Writ Decision Jan 2002
Efren Cruz was wrongly convicted of a crime he didn’t commit. There were certain police who knew that someone else