This is taken from the publisher’s website: Due to the sudden turn of events in regards to Michael Jackson and these new allegations, Branch & Vine Publishers is doing everything possible to get Geraldine Hughes’ REDEMPTION ready for immediate release. Sheer volume of books to be printed will not allow us to expedite the release of this book for at least 5 to 6 weeks. The planned release date is January 31, 2004. However, we will be working to move this release date up to the earliest possible day. Our production staff is working feverishly to get this project to the pritners ASAP. So please bear with us. This page will be updated as new information becomes available. PRE-PUBLICATION ORDERING will be made available within the next few days for those who wish to pre-order this book. Your patience is greatly appreciated in this matter. All pre-publication orders will be expedited once the book comes off the presses. —publisher, BRANCH & VINE PUBLISHERS, LLC :arrow[url=][/url]