Jackson Case Almost Collapsed April 22, 2004 “CJ” has learned that just a few weeks ago, after testifying before the grand jury, Michael Jacksons accuser and his mother were so emotionally distraught, that they wanted to throw in the towel. District attorney Tom Sneddon sounded confident back in December when he filed charges against Jackson, but we’ve learned that Sneddon was not at all convincing when he tried to get Jacksons accuser and his mother back on board after testifying. Sources tell us that the man who pulled the case out of the fire is attorney Larry Feldman, who the family went to for legal advice early on. Feldman would not comment, but sources say he was the one who calmed down the mother and son and got them recommitted to the case. :nav [url=http://forum.mjeol.com/index.php?showtopic=16266]Celebrity Justice[/url]