Defendant’s Motion to Compel – Stamped Oct 6 2004

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Order for release of redacted Documents Defendant’s Motion to Compel This is really interesting. On page 9 of the .pdf file, you’ll note this sentence:

“13. Please provide us with all notes, records, reports, phone conversations, statements (whether telephonic, in person, verbal, written, signed or unsigned), recordings (audio, video and/or transcripts), involding District Attorney Tom Sneddon’s contacts with but not limited to Diane Diamond, Gloria Allred, Larry Feldman, Dr. Stanley Katz and Carole Lieberman. This request is limited to issues concerning Michael Jackson’s arrest, past and present investigations and or inquiries conducted and or directed by Mr. Sneddon on behalf of the Santa Barbara District Attorney’s Office and or by the current and former Sheriff of Santa Barbara County.”

So, not only does the defense want all the discovery that owed them, but they also want to know what Sneddon and Co. have been telling the media, namely Dimond. 21 pages

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