[b]Davellin Arvizo Testimony (March 7 2005):[/b] The continuation of the defense’s cross-examination of the sister [b]Star Arvizo’s Testimony (March 7
March 8 2005 Trial – UPDATE #1
Brother Lies about Key Evidence NBC News and news services Updated: 2:07 p.m. ET March 8, 2005SANTA MARIA, Calif. –
Cross-examination Full of Questionable Testimony MJEOL Bullet #250
Cross-examination Full of Questionable Testimony MJEOL Bullet #250 MARCH 8 2005 The first day of cross-examination of the accusers sister, Davellin Arvizo, was highly interesting to say the least. She was caught in lies before, she confessed that shed made molestation allegation against her father at the mothers urging, and she admitted that she was previously picked and chosen when to tell the truth and when to lie. Her cross-examination continued Monday, March 7 2005. Thanks to the powerhouse MJJFORUM.com, we have access to the official court transcripts and will be citing excerpts form the official transcripts of testimony while writing about this so-called case. But just what did she testify to under cross. What weve found out through the transcripts is that the interview with the three Los Angeles Dept of Child & Family Services (DCFS) social workers occurred in Major Jay Jacksons house, reportedly Feb 21 2003. And yet, you got it, right in the middle of the timeline when they claim to had been kidnapped/held hostage at Neverland and various other places. This meeting with the DCFS took place after the rebuttal interview with them was filmed at Jacksons videographers (Hamid Moslehi) house. Through cross-examination, the public learned that it wasnt just Moslehi, the family and some family-alleged kidnapper watching over them. Also at the taping of that rebuttal interview was Chris Tuckers girlfriend at the time, Aja. The Arvizos are no longer close to Tucker or Aja, according to the sisters testimony. Under cross-examination, the defense attorney was able to bring out the fact that Santa Barbara sheriffs deputy, Steve Robel, gave the accusers sister a copy of the interview they gave at Moslehis house to refresh her memory.
808 6 Q. And who did you call? 7 A. Steve Robel. 8 Q. And he’s a Santa Barbara Sheriff? 9 A. Yes. 10 Q. Did he call you or did you call him? 11 A. I called him. Because I was concerned, 12 because I didn’t want to be questioned on something 13 I don’t know about. 14 Q. Well, how did you know the rebuttal tape was 15 going to be shown today? 16 A. Well, because they gave me the CD to review 17 so I could refresh my memory. Nobody was sitting 18 there with me. 19 Q. And who was “they”? 20 A. Well, Steve Robel brought it over to me, and 21 I reviewed it. 22 Q. Was that last night? 23 A. Yes. (pg 808 of March 4 2005 transcript)
To refresh her memory? I guess when youve told so many different stories, you need a reminder sometimes. Moving on.
March 7 2005 Trial Update #2
MARCH 7 2005 (2:45PM ET) — The accuser’s brother, Star Arvizo, is still on the stand under direct examination by
Vital [Jackson] Video Tapes May Be Missing – Fox
[b]Vital [Jackson] Video Tapes May Be Missing[/b] Monday, March 07, 2005 By Roger Friedman Something’s wrong in the world of
How Did Bashir Get the Jackson Interview? – Matthew Norman’s Media Diary
Matthew Norman’s Media Diary 07 March 2005 – With Martin Bashir facing a possible contempt charge for refusing to answer

Jackson Accuser Was Living Life of Luxury – AP
Jackson Accuser Was Living Life of Luxury Sun Mar 6, 1:46 PM ET Top Stories – AP By LINDA DEUTSCH,
Defense Cross-examination of Davellin Arvizo Day 1
This contains Mesereau’s cross-examination of the accuser’s sister on March 4 2005. His cross examination begins on page 798 of
Did the Media Mediate Abuse Case Against Michael Jackson?
[b] Did the Media Mediate Abuse Case Against Michael Jackson? [/b] [i]Written by Obiechena Sunday, 06 March 2005[/i] Over the
Sister Testimony Dismantled, Family Not Coerced on Video – MiniBullet #10
Sister Testimony Dismantled, Family Not Coerced on Video MiniBullet #10 MARCH 6 2005 — Michael Jacksons defense attorney Tom Mesereau is methodically dismantling the testimony of the accusers sister, Davellin Arvizo, under cross-examination (cross), which began Friday (March 4 2005) and will continue March 7 2005. Like we and many case observers predicted, the cross and not the direct testimony (direct) would be the true test as to whether the sister was credible or not. Whats more is courtroom observers have come to the conclusion concerning the veracity of her claims themselves while sitting there witnessing it. If you remember, under direct examination many courtroom observers, analysts, and pundits claimed that the sister came off as a credible witness and wondered how and/or if the defense could question some of her claims. After the first day of D. Arvizos testimony, every nut-job, pro-prosecution reporter and hysterical prosecutor claimed it was over, that she sister was credible, and that her testimony was strong. March 4 2005 began for the prosecution with them continuing their direct examination of D. Arvizo. During direct, they played the never before seen video of the Arvizo family saying wonderful things about Michael Jackson, made Feb 19-20 2003. Reportedly, the video is about 65 minutes long. For clarification, the rebuttal video played in court March 4 has never been broadcast. It was NOT a part of the 2003 Jackson rebuttal video Take Two: The Footage You Were Never Meant to See. That Take Two interview was broadcast on the Fox network. As you know, and like MJEOL as well as the fan community have been saying since last year, the prosecutor has yet to explain why Jacksons people would kidnap a family of four to get them to do a video to rehabilitate his image, and then not even show that video to the public. Bradley Miller, who was interviewed by MSNBCs Dan Abrams before he was subpoenaed says the reason why the familys interview wasnt used as part of the Take Two footage was because the mother didnt want to sign a release stating that she gave up her rights to collect money to appear in the video.