Tommy Mottola Faces The Music – Highlight History

Feature [b]Tommy Mottola Faces The Music[/b] From the March 3, 2003 issue of New York Magazine. Why was Tommy Mottola—the industry’s most flamboyant mogul, and one of its most powerful—pushed out of Sony’s beleaguered music division and replaced with NBC head Andy Lack? The real story behind Sony’s musical chairs. By Phoebe Eaton Buried under nineteen inches of snow and duct-taped into submission by terror warnings, New York was in a glum mood for the Grammys, back in town—APPLAUD NOW—for the first time since 1998. The Madison Square Garden festivities would be televised on CBS in prime time, punctuated with performances by such Sony money-spinners and award nominees as Bruce Springsteen, Ashanti, and the Dixie Chicks. But this year’s Sony party, held at the barnlike Hammerstein Ballroom nearby, stood to be conspicuously downscaled from the red-carpet extravaganzas of the not-so-distant past. Sony’s Grammy soirée had been second only to Clive Davis’s big-shot-heavy bacchanal. But no more. Maybe because nobody expected to run into the party’s recently deposed host, Sony’s pinky-ringed music man, Tommy Mottola. On January 9, Sony had faxed around a press release: The chairman and chief executive of Sony Music, Tommy Mottola (or Thomas D. Mottola, as he preferred to be known in the newspapers) would be leaving to launch a new venture. He’d been thinking about making a change for some time, it said, and while it’s true he had a couple years to go on his contract, Sony had suddenly, graciously agreed to spring him. Ever the diplomat, Sony America’s avuncular head, Sir Howard Stringer, saluted the outgoing Mottola as “an icon,” but there was no disguising the fact that the best-known and most flamboyant executive in the music business was out in a force play.

Howard King Determined to Try Weak Case in the Media? – MB #287 Update2

Howard King Determined to Try Weak Case in the Media? – MB #287 UPDATE #2 Another lawyer getting his face on television while using Jackson to do so NOVEMBER 23 2005 — Surprise, surprise. Another civil attorney chasing after Michael Jackson’s pockets decides to attempt to try Jackson in the court of public opinion. We’ve seen this before. Five Neverland employees once sued Jackson claiming they were wrongfully terminated and wanted $16 million. He countersued. They lost their suit and lost the countersuit against them. They ended up owing Jackson over a million dollars in legal fees and compensation from the theft and sale of his property. They also had to file for bankruptcy because they couldn’t pay the judgment. King is representing former outed pornographer Marc Schaffel. Now another ex-leech who was tossed from the Jackson gravy train has hooked up with the same lawyer in an effort to extract money from Jackson: the alleged crook, Dieter Wiesner Instead of King trying his case in court, it appears he is trying it in the media. He released what some have called heavily edited and incomplete tapes of what seem on the surface to be private Jackson phone messages.

Mesereau’s Fame Doesn’t Alter Focus – LA Times

[b]Mesereau’s Fame Doesn’t Alter Focus[/b] The attorney who won Michael Jackson’s acquittal sees himself as an advocate for the mistreated, especially in the black community. By Carla Hall, [LA] Times Staff Writer It’s hard to miss a 6-foot-2 white man in a black church — especially a man with a shoulder-length mane of white hair. But on a Sunday at West Angeles Church of God in Christ, Thomas A. Mesereau Jr. was doing more than just getting noticed. The criminal defense attorney was causing a bit of a stir. “Let me shake this hand!” said churchgoer Wayne Boylan, reaching out to him. “Thank you for helping Michael!” gushed Valata Williams as she approached. During the five months that Michael Jackson was on trial on child molestation charges, Mesereau was a fixture of daily TV footage, shown walking into and out of the courthouse. He rarely spoke or waved, his big, broad-shouldered frame encased in double-breasted suits, his layered hair flowing in the breeze. Jackson’s acquittal in June catapulted Mesereau from familiar face to legal star, the country’s newest celebrity lawyer. It is a designation he detests. “I have no desire to be Mr. Hollywood,” he says.

Family Kept Away from Jackson During Pros. Molestation Timeline – History

[i]Originally posted May 20 2005, this highlighted article spotlights testimony during the prosecution’s second molestation timeline.[/i] Family Kept Away from Jackson by Associates during Crucial Timeline – MB#268 MAY 20 2005 — Defense witness Azja Pryor testified yesterday in the Michael Jackson trial. She was Chris Tucker’s girlfriend at the time they knew the Arvizo family. To suggest that Pryor’s testimony was simply a ‘help’ to the defense is an unbelievable understatement. Not only did the defense get to knockdown the “hostage”/”conspiracy” charge, but they also got to address the molestation allegation through Pryor’s testimony. Pryor testified that in early March 2003, Janet Arvizo complained to her the Arvizo children were actively being kept away from Jackson by associates of Jackson. This is an enormous bombshell because, if you remember, the prosecution is alleging that this is the time the alleged “molestation” was supposed to have happened with the accuser sleeping in Jackson’s bed and the brother allegedly witnessing it. The obvious conclusion to draw is how in hell could Jackson have molested this kid if they were being kept away from him by his associates? That’s a question pro-prosecution pundits have absolutely avoided thus far because it directly attacks the molestation allegation.